ART's House
ART’s - Addiction Recovery Trauma - House

ART’s - Addiction Recovery Trauma - House
The most recent BOL project is a direct response to the current substance use disorder crisis in our community and the traumas associated. The goal of ART’s House is to provide services to an underserved population of veterans. Leading the path for success within our community and breaking the cycle of trauma and addiction, this folds into our mission, which is to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and provide services that help people change their lives and take personal responsibility.
The goal of this program is to stabilize the homeless veterans in our community through focusing on the individual veteran’s medical, mental health, substance use and other psychosocial needs to eventually attain permanent housing and independent living.

ART's House Ribbon Cutting
(Dec. 19, 2024)

Coming Together
ART’s House will start as an eight-bed facility at our Riverside Drive property. This space will have a ‘home’ feel – providing a comfortable space for the eight veterans to: prepare and share meals in the farmers table and spacious kitchen; read in the library nook; relax in the living room; meet via zoom in the computer room; in addition to having their own space in the room shared with only one other.
Through ART’s House, we will serve people directly and coordinate with Groups Recover Together, Co-Occurring Disorders Court, The Maine Veterans Administration and the University of Southern Maine to provide holistic (whole-person) treatment services. These services will address the root cause of addiction and provide steps to recovery.

Building a better tomorrow
Groups Recover Together provides high-quality care for opioid use disorder, with supportive counseling, medication therapy, and coaching. The University of Southern Maine’s Counselor Education Program will be partnering with ART’s House to provide free counseling services with Master’s level students clinically supervised by two USM faculty. This partnership will provide 1 hour per week for each client for a 12-15 week duration.
Bread of Life will coordinate with clinical treatment counselors to develop a plan of care and provide resources for people to become self-sustainable by continuing the collaboration with employment specialists, clinical counselors, and housing programs to lead onto successful paths.

Guiding growth and success
Case management works directly with each client, to develop a plan of care providing the resources for each client to become self-sustainable, develop a budget, set goals for developing a housing plan including potential housing vouchers, and address the barriers that lead them to homelessness. Referrals are made for services needed to assist clients in becoming successful within our program.
Staff works with employment specialists to help clients find employment that fits their needs. We provide free Wi-Fi access for our clients along with a computer station to assist with housing and employment searches, etc. Each person has a locker assigned to them to secure their medications and valuables. Bread of Life serves the homeless populations for the greater Kennebec County area. We do not discriminate based on residency status or where the clients are coming from. We are here to meet people where they are at, identify needs and follow through with treatment service coordination.

Augusta Elk's Lodge Donation
Augusta Elks #964 Raised funds through their Festival of Trees event for ARTs House,
Bread of Life's new addiction recovery project for the unhoused veterans in our community.
The Elks Club is always proud to support our community and our Veterans!